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 The patented Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is the world’s first immediate, noninvasive method of measuring overall carotenoid antioxidant activity.


The patented Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is the world’s first immediate, noninvasive method of measuring overall carotenoid antioxidant activity.
The incredible Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner has transformed the way we look at our health, and has created a business opportunity like no other in the world.

What is the Scanner?
It's a revolutionary tool developed by Pharmanex to measure the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-and prove the effectiveness of your supplements in improving your overall antioxidant health.

What does the Scanner do?
Place the palm of your hand in front of the Scanner's safe, low-energy blue light laser, and you will obtain an immediate reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-your Skin Carotenoid Score.

Why should I be scanned?
By measuring the stable level of carotenoid antioxidants in your skin and generating your Skin Carotenoid Score, the Scanner provides a more accurate and reliable biomarker of your overall antioxidant health status than other methods of measuring antioxidants. Getting your Skin Carotenoid Score makes you aware of the antioxidant levels in your body-and gives you the push you need to improve your overall antioxidant health.

The LifePak® and g3™ Money-Back Guarantee
Get your Skin Carotenoid Score measured with the Scanner, take LifePak® or g3™ for 60 days, and get your Score measured again. You will have proof that Pharmanex® supplements can improve your antioxidant levels and your overall antioxidant health. In fact, Pharmanex guarantees that your Skin Carotenoid Score will increase as you take LifePak® or g3™ regularly as directed.